today is friday-4/2/05.i had 3 tests strees up~all very difficult...lucky my sci got 21/25 nid to copy lines....hahahaha...okok,i main purpose of posting my blog is nto because of my is because of BAND again.dunno y today our conductor super angry today...i tink is becos of the stress he is suffering from the sch,teachers....he is oso quite poor thing la,to get his pay cut...CUT~then one of our band member cant stand him anymore,she 'scold' the conductor.all our problems start here.....she keep on saying tat the conductor was picking on her alone,kan ta bu shuang,nv pick on the other ppl.i dont agree lo,our conductor always scold ppl,he ask mi if he had scold mi before(last fri) and i nodded my head.(so embarressing,now every1 noe i got scolded by the conductor le) is good for her to speak up,actualli every1 has been wanting to 'scold'the conductor,but we dont dare.onli her,dare to scold him infront of the whole band.(cool~)the band member say tat we are all very frustrated by him as he kept scolding US!picking on us!but we didnt thought of the real victim here,i tink our conductor is the real victim.all the stress he is suffering,we dont noe.we tink tat he is crazy,always scold us and being a conductor is a very simple job,juz wave ur hand say 1234 den can le.we dunno wat the things has happen to him during oct2004-now,until today he told us.when he told us all the thing he face,i feel tat we r very selfish.we onli tink of all our stress we r suffering,we had never tink in his position.tat's y i tink tat he is the real victim here.we nv feel tat he has stress and he nv told us b4.mabbe he doesnt noe how to express his feeling well enough,he always uses his 'fierce' tone to tok to us and tat will make us feel so scare.i tink he shld change his tone to tok to us,we r muture,not 3yr old kids.haix...anyway after all the scolding from him,i fell tat the band is in the wrong....sorry chew~