haix....today i went to band dinner leh.....so excited AT FIRST but den........hahax.I went there with my frenz n senior.So funny leh,my senior wear a bright yellow shirt tat looks like BANANA.*HAHA* And my cousin,wore a red dress tat looks like a HONG BAO!So we played there for abt 2hrs.keep on tokin,laughing n eating "high class" food.*hehex*After the dinner,we didnt go home.Instead,we walked around the country club n the eerie park~~'so scary'......Finally,we headed to the entrance n wait for my frenz'dad car.As we haf to wait 4 him, my siao seniorS keep on hugging each other n dancing.They hugged me oso.*feel lyk being molested*Den,they thought of an LAME idea.They PULL my shirt.....pull until gonna drop off......SIAO SIAO SIAO.*i m raped,sobsob*haix......if they were guys,i will gib each of them 10 slaps!!!! HahaX.But i dun mind lar,cos they r my frenz...........m i brave?*yes i m..*HAhax....That was my unforgettable,memorable,excting,interesting,marverllous,great,nice BAND DINNER......