see my tittle?
i sure allof u wanna read on to find out wat happen...
this is a very
'exciting' experience for mi
quite scary n
FUN...kk,stop rushing me....
let mi start now.
*cough cough*150605
the fateful day...
at band play copa until lips so
tiredlucky got haf
FREE lunch
*cz i haf to pay 2bucks*
but anything lar...we happy den
ok mei wen ti!(i tink i m craping here,let's go to the
main topic)...
peisehkk let mi start again...*
den jh n mi went to pam hse to play her
HOVER DISC-the big big thing tat can 'fly' in the air
so we play until abt 7pm
got a
30+ man walked toward us
he was askin us whether we can b his
translator for 1min
cz he was trying to understand wat an old lady was tokin abt
but he dun understand chinese
so he wanted us to help him
however,he nid onli
ONE of us to follow him
(tat is so
dangerous man..)
he dun wan 4.
den pamela (dunno anything) says my chinese v gd,can help mi
*i was
den he pointed at mi to
follow him to the old lady.
at 1st we thought the old lady is juz sitting at the chairs beside
but hu noes she isnt there,she was at home.dunno wat level lar
but SURE nid to take LIFT wif him
*guess u all noe wat will happen next*
but we not so stupid lar
all of us go together
at 1st he din notice lar
but when he turn around he saw all of us
and he stopped walkin
he INSIST tat he onli nid 1
cz he says the old lady is scare of too many strangers...
(wat a gd "excuse")
yi shan hai you yi shan gao
we not so stupid to fall into his trap
he stopped walkin,we oso stopped
keeping 2meter in dist.
den we started to tell him tat actually all of our chinese v gd
and increasing our volume and talk louder to him
tat moment,our 'hero'
(which is also the most exciting sight)
pam's bro throw the hover disc at him
it hitted a little above his leg...hehex
he ouch!
den we laugh lyk siao...
den we so annoyed
wanna to get rid of him at once
so we said jh dad coming in 1min time
and his dad is 1.80 METER tall...
whereas tat uncle is onli abt 1.60m
hehex(so short..too bad)
when he said he onli nid less den 1min
i dunno why i was so irritated
den i louder my voice
and STARE at him...i tink he got a shock n walk off...
wat a "RARE" experience for mi... fun man...
tat stupid uncle.
wanna cum n bluff us,in the end got SUAN n SCOLD by us
*isnt it stupid?*
hahax he stupid oso cannot blame him...
i tink this is the most memorable incident for mi.....