hey guys
there will b a balloon hat festival
at sentosa on the 4th n 5th of june
which is this satuday n sunday
balloon hat festival is a day where by
lots of sch band will b playing at sentosa
which oso means there will b lots of PEOPLE
n "NOISE POLLUTION".(if u dun understand music)
so i advise tat those couples or frenz tat r goin there for fun
can kindly change their date
if not u will all suffer....muhaha...joking :)
i dunno if i m goin there anot
lyk not much band members go
cz they DO NOT know tat there's a balloon hat festival coming up
the band major did not say anything abt it
so "too bad" lar...
besides tat,on the 4th of june
my class also haf a class outing
but not many ppl go...
so i wonder if i shld go...
my frenz lyk all not goin leh
as i said juz now
there will b a balloon hat festival
so if they choose this sat to go,
they muz train up their voice
to SHOUT at frenz
*becz if u talk,ur frenz SURE cant hear u*
hahax jokin lar...
shun qi zi ran ba
c if on saturday if happy anot...
HEY guys,anyone notice tat i haf changed my blog template
i noe this template is rather "old"
but my main purpose is to let people TAG my blog
cz they complained tat my last template got prob.
so i changed to this.
if i m free,i will change to a better one
ok,i will stop here for today
anyone wans to go to balloon hat festival
rmb to tell mi hor...