i juz found out tat actually ppl do read blog post
cz i usually dun read other ppl ones
hahax nth to do at home leh
exam oso sian
after exam oso sian
wat to do?
i m eating strawberry biscuit now
waiting for my uncle to repair my comp
stupid comp,a lot of problems
becz my comp got 1 stupid owner
which is PWH
*my bro*
y no1 online now
no1 at home oso
mummy go wai po hse
bro go cousin hse
dad go work
yanting go where?
no1 'date' mi out
so sad...i gonna cry le
i so not popular
Ahahah,heart broke
yar,today is my best frenz bday
wish her a happy bday
but she went out wif her stead
chi ji wo~~both of them so lovely
walkin together hand hold hand
leave mi alone
zhong se qing you
hahax...better den let her c it
no1 tok to mi :(
dun frenz u all alady
i wanna switch off the comp n watch tv le
Super Sunday
so hot...really SUN-day
buaiz...i go watch tv le
den go to slp
plan nice nice 1st...