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Hello, my name is PAINTING. I really LOVE MUSIC. I love TV DRAMAS especially with HAPPY ENDING.


It's going to be the end of another week. I have to admit that this is the most hectic week I ever had for the past few months.(excluding working days)

Just a short summary of my happening life for the past few days.
On Monday, I went back to my secondary school(NCHS) with my fellow friends ,Yuling and Sharmaine, with an initial thought of visiting our teachers(not forgetting TOMYUM Noodles!). However, it was more of a shock than a surprise for us when the new,arrogant and bitchy HOD of Aesthetics approached us. She pointed out that Ex-students of NCHS, especially those who have graduated more than 1 year ago, are BANNED from consuming and purchasing the canteen food despite having the visitors' pass with us. She added and told us off that we are NOT supposed to visit any of our ex-teachers without an official letter/form stating our purpose of visit, day and time of visit. I was speechless when I heard her new school rules. Well, I am an understanding person. She's simply jealous of ex-students visiting almost every teacher except her. So, let's forgive her narrow and shallow mind. In the evening, I had my dinner with Ethan. It's always enriching to be with him because he has just-too-many-interesting stories to share. It's all very meaningful stories. Due to him, I know more about life,laws and reality(that's harsh).

On Tessy, I met up with my girls again to kbox. It was a horrible experience there. I was extremely depressed after the singing session. What came to my mind at the instant was : What has WKWSCIFOC done to my voice?!?! It's been so long, for more than 2 weeks, and my voice is still not recovered. I want back my voice, Voice, VOICE. Depressing. Still, it was a brilliant meet-up! (except for all the out of tunes...). Then, I rushed back to Greendale Secondary for Night Study program. I'm so glad that some of my students rushed to me when they saw me in school. It's so heartwarming!

On Wednesday, I went to kbox at Cineleisure with Kayan,Simon,Ethan and Timonthy!(They're all my greendale colleagues) We had kbox buffet, but apparently, everyone did not manage to eat a lot since the focus is to sing! Well, they are all good singers I must say. The session was filled with many many jokes, lies and the only wasabi cream puff game(I puked the entire wasabi puff out as I don't take wasabi!). We headed home at around 12am!

On Thursday,which is just 24 hours ago, I have my Night Study in Greendale again. I was traumatized when I saw Mr Ting, my ex-secondary school band teacher-in-charge, in Greendale! Why was he there?!?! Someone please enlighten me! At that very instant, I thought I went to the wrong school. Yesterday's night study was an exciting venture. A student told me "Teacher, do you want to be locked inside the same room with us- 4 boys?" My answer would be obvious, I told him straight into his face, "No". Then, the door slammed. I wasn't that shocked until I did not see any handle or knob to open the door. Yes, I was locked inside with the 4 students, four 16years old boys to be exact. Oh My Tian. There's no way to open the door except from outside. So, I was being trapped inside for 30mins and my heartless 4a1 students who saw me inside,refused to open the door for me. The bunch of heartless children still laughed their hearts out at the windows, Alston Yingzhuang and Hao Jun. When I was let out, I did my revenge too. I locked the students inside. I was thrilled. It's quite fun seeing students being locked inside and they have no place to run! :) Then, I have a short talk with the 3 a1 students. They simply slacked through their whole night study. Definitely, I understand them better now. I felt satisfied when I solved some of the students' Physics problems and misconceptions. They feel good and I feel good too. :) Lastly, more 4a1 students came to bid goodbye to me. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.

I think it's time to start writing before my English gets totally rusted.It's definitely a long wait since my last post was published more than half a year ago. That doesn't mean that my life is empty. In fact, it's filled with numerous or countless adventures which writing can't help to describe the 'feeling' . Just let me illustrate or pin down my moment of thoughts slowly, day by day...


time flies isn't it?
2mths after Alevel exam.
and in less than a month, the results are out.

well, to be honest, i am freaking worried about the results.
but wat to do?
i shall just accept watever results i obtained. eeew.
disgusting. =(

2mths have passed..
i did not hang out with my frens much.
cz i do not have many frens.

even if i have a few good buddies,
they are so freaking busy with their own work and friends.
they have no time to squeeze me into their time slots.

tat's why i am complaining i have little working days!
cz i dont have any events/meetings/gatherings planned on my off day.
i simply rot at home!

just want to tell those frens who have been enjoying everyday to cherish that moment,
cz not everyone is so 'Happening' as them.

i did some really cool stuffs during this 2 mths too.

I went to relief a primary 1 class in punggol primary school ( which is my primary school).
i really enjoy my 1 day there..
i have experienced how hard it is to control the hyperactive p1 kids.

i have to salute teachers. they are really patient.
sometimes, i get a little bit fustrated when the p1 kids keep talking and playing and COMPLAINING.

kids are kids.
" Miss Peh, ryan just pushed me!"
"Miss Peh, is it this book?"
"Miss Peh, which page to flip to?"
"Miss Peh, CAN I GO TO THE TOILET!" omg! this is the scariest question for me.
cz if i allow 1 person to go...everyone just rushed to me, crowd around me to ask if they can go too!
and i am really scared if i dun let them go, they just pee in class?

haha. tat's was really challenging.

i took over as the form teacher for p1-5 as their teacher went for course.
thus, i taught them ENGLISH!! yes, u guys nv see wrongly..i taught them ENGLISH!
and maths and Health Education!! ( i think most of us have forgotten abt health education already right!!)

for eng lesson, i just read a story book to them- Dan, the Flying Man.
i can only say that kids now are really smart..they know everything.
like Crane, tunnel, mountain...
wow. a clap for them.

for maths, i dint even teach them anything!
because they know everything!
addition within 10. eh..it's so damn simply?
2+6=8. yeah. smth like that.

Health Edu lesson was on My future career.
it's surprising to know what the little kids ambition.
some of them wants to be pilot, scientists, astronaut!
though they are small, they have big dreams!
i will support them!!

i was really touched when one of my students, called joshua if i m not wrong, pulled my hand and said to me:
" Miss Peh, you are my favourite teacher!"

and Bellina said : " Miss Peh, can i hold your hand? "

In conclusion, children are cute when they are quiet.

yeah. i really love that relief experience.
i think everyone should just try it once.
it's good. =D

other than the relief teaching,
i broke my own record of continously working for 12days, without any off days, in addition to 3 FULL SHIFTS from 9am-1130pm and rotating AM or PM shifts.
most imptly, i still looked GOOD. ( i supposed )

wow. i gave myself a big clap seriously.
i din know how i survived it.

it's really very exhasting,
but it's fun too!
working with my 'crazy' frens.
Annabella and Juen!
plus many others too!

however, sometimes, working is boring too! when there are no customers..

I really cant wait for CNY.
and i want to say that this CNY is my worst cny.
cz i have been working endlessly and i have no energy or TIME to get ready all my clothes, shoes,accessories and everything! i am so sad!!
omg. i have not buy my ribbon bracelet at hereen! it's $17! so expensive!
i wonder if i shld get it! but i REALLY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

cz i m kinda broke after buying a new bag, wallet, nail polish and hair dye!

and i have not buy my casio metal chain watch yet!!!! omg.

( hint hint!! ) someone's bday is coming! lalala.
on the 18th i suppose?

i m not trying to be thick skin here lah!
i just dun wan my frens to wate their money and buy smth which doesnt suits me.
yeah. i m v considerate. ( like real right..)

i have finally dyed my hair after 2mths of considering..
becz i am v scared that my hair will become v rough!! tat kept me hesistating.
but well, the new bubble hair dye will not make my hair dry!
in fact, it's still as smooth. believe it or not! haha

the bad thing is, i tot my hair was vvv black initially, tat's why i choose a lighter colour.
and my goodness, it turned out to be a little bright for me. ( but my mum says it's nice. natural colour, not bright at all~)
probably i m too 'bao shou' . HAHA. lame shit.

i just hope i dun look like those ah lian on the street.
the bubble hair dye is v good. everyone should try.

( and how am i going to work tml? everyone will laugh like shit i think!!)

my hair colour is so natural and evenly spread.
i think i waited too long before i washed.
tat's why it's a bit bright.

and i missed my solid black hair now.

i shall go watch youtube and after that, do manicure!
i think my manicure skills has improved!
HAHA. love my nails. =)

it's been awhile since my last post.

well. many ppl commented that the last post was an emo post.
but i am not emo ok! HAHA.
tat's just some things that i felt.

start off with PROM 09!
it was my first time going to dinner and dance!
and i was feeling so damn scared initially!
serious. my heart was beating at 200/s.

and when sam helped me make-up,
i was so damn scared too!
first time put make up! HAHA.
sounds a little stupid..but well! it's really nervous and scary!

then, got a shock when i saw the make up!
it's soooooo NOT PEH YAN TING!
AHHH~~ i screamed.

my mum thought what happen!! haha.
but well, she said it was nice! standing on the same boat as sam!
i really dun feel like stepping out of my hse.
feel so weird!~

then..i stopped screaming and lots of crap and leave.
hopped onto a taxi with crystalyn, evelyn and yixuan.
headed for grand hyatt hotel.

din take a lot of pictures at the prom.
and took some with strangers. ( who i did not know them)
but nvm lah, the last time i am seeing them also.

the food was nice i think!
i thought it's such a waste!
we haven finish eating,and the waiter just threw everything away.
my goodness.
i cant accept it lah.
cant they just let us take-away??
HAHAHA. well. i m not being 'auntie' here..
i just do not want to waste those food!
especially it's all high class food..
i just want do not want to see those food being waste...
pls think of those kids in 3rd world countries!
if it still doesnt let u feel anything, go youtube " ala carte chicken".
and see how selfish WE ARE!

oh yesh.
so prom was nth much!
and i din go post prom.
i just dislike clubbing, when everyone is packed like sardine..where u dun even have a space to breathe.

then, went job hunting.
wah. it's really tough to get a job now!
all the jobs require contract.
6mths contract.
so damn long.

i wonder how am i going to commit for so long.
but well, i have found a job at starhub.
thhe pay was good. location is near.
i just dislike to sign contract lah.
what if i get bored with the job halfway!
oh shit.
i think i will just nid to endure.

however, customer service is smth i think i can handle and suits me.
and this is why i took up the job.
rather den job consultant and administrative work.
i hope to see different kinds of customer..
quite exciting i think!

yeah. anyone who see this post,
if u r free, text me, and acc me to have lunch can?
if not i will be so lonely...
come down to Plaza Sing and find me!
tat will bright up my day i think!

starting work tml.
on one hand, work helped me to end my boring life at home ( which i slept all day)
and allows me to earn more allowance!
on the other hand, i will have less time for my family, friends and my TV SHOWS!
this has to last for 6mths!

and seriously, i hope i have made the correct decision of accepting starhub rather den paragon!
cz i have worked for paragon for 2 yrs. the job is sooooo easy!! it's ez money i think! =X
and most imptly, there's no nid to sign contract with paragon. i can quit anytime when i get bored! nice~

but i still choose starhub cso lah.
want to try smth new! =D

2 jobs that are sooo attractive.
i can only say i m lucky.
becz some ppl cant even find a job now.
i must cherish it! =D

i wan to apologise to shitty8!
cz i cant go out with them tml..i am working OT tml until 10pm.
i really wish i can go for the gathering!!!

ytd went out with WHY.
yuling yunjie yeqi sharm.
went to teoheng sing song.
well. the room is so "BIG", so "spacious"!
but nvm la..it's the time we spend tgt that counts!
and i think i asked a lot of stupid questions ytd..HAHA.
went aston eat our...eh..lunch or dinner?
yeah. talked a lot...we chit chat until 5.30pm.
and headed to buy sweets with our left over money!

i am v happy becz it's been so long after we last went out,
i can still feel that our friendship are still strong!!
really love them!!

love shitty8 too!
love JC clique too!

i am so fortunate!!

last by not least,
hai pai tian xin is nice!
i love all the songs!
and i love da lang's thick mushroom head!

i dunno when will the next post be published,
most probably 6mths later!
cz when i start working, the last thing i will use is the Computer! =D

cya guys.
miss me! =X

prom in less 7 hours.
ah. shit.
i m starting to feel restless,irritated and annoyed.

maybe it's becz of going out shopping for the past few days that make me so exhausted.

I really feel i become so bimbo becz of this prom,
which is not who i am..? not what i want!
if it's the inital pyt, she surely wont care prom that much!
a simple dress with black shoe and out she goes!

I am so shallow right?
( or probably everyone going prom will feel that way? )
nah. i have no idea.

i think i m really stupid to spend so much money, spend so much time, effort,
most impt, i shouldn't make my mum angry.

the feeling now just sux.
on one hand looking forward to dress up, on the other hand feel so shallow.

and i think..
in future, i wont join such party anymore.
save my troubles.=D

i must thank my cousin for going out with me to shop for 2 days,
her aunty for lending me accessories
sam for helping me to take care of everything ( in short, my stylist)
yuling for talking crap with me ytd and her help to lend me her belt necklace and all stuffs!

a big thank to everyone who wants me to be a nice pretty girl in the party.
so i must feel happy and confident now!
AH. eat chocolate. it makes me happy!


phy p1 is irritating!

i cant wait to clear that paper!
and i have no mood to study for it too!

and i dunno if i m going to prac a lot.
cz chem..i did around 20 papers, 800questions...and...
only 1 came out.
waste my time~~~~

i shall not discuss any papers anymore!
if not i am going to cry again.

some relax and happy stuffs!

i wanna thank SAM SAM!!!
she really did a lot of things for my prom la.
which makes me so paiseh!
i wanted to ask her to help me with make up only..

she acc me to buy shoe..
gave me masks~~
whitening cream
and many many many more..

so paiseh! and her stuffs are all branded ones.
omg! must find one day to repay her!

last wed, i went out with sam!
it's been a month since the last time we met.
it's really great to go out with her la..
and only sam has the same frequency as me..
all my craps and jokes she understands.
yeah cool!

shop in orchard from noon to night!
walked until my legs all blister!
cz my mum took the wrong heels for me!!
so, no choice, i went ion to buy a slipper first..if not my leg is going to rot!
and then...i received a phone call ( surprisingly! )
ahh! it's stupid chunwei who happened to be at ion too!
and i dunno where did he hide, i cant find him la.
he called to laugh at my Poker-dot ribbon! =___=
most imptly...i overheard in the phone..a guy laughing v loudly at me too!
it's stupid aloysius! =__=
ah..stupid them!

den..me n sam shopped...
yeah! found a shoe!
it's v ex..but since it's the design i like and quite comfortable...so i bought it lo.
and the scariest thing is....it's vv tall. around 9cm?
come laugh at me for being short that day! i will kill tat person!

haha. bought topshop leggings too! haha.blue colour!
vvvvvvv nice! i like it.

in conclusion, i spent a lot that day...
but it's ok..i will earn it back sooner or later!

cant wait for exam to finish on mon!
den go out with cousins sam and class...
finally...stupid prom!

i seriously screwed my chem.
oh my goodness.
it's just as bad as one can think.

i cant accept the fact lah.
and i was damn disappointed with myself.
my most confident and best subject.

and i believe, many ppl will sure say that i m exaggerating.
Please, i am not.
%#*(&%#_^Q)&Q#W_&^#)^ !!!!!
i am soo damn sad!!!!!
and i cried for vvv long.

but it seems that NO ONE can understand how i feel.
everyone thought i was only exaggerating.

i wanna thank yuling for her call after my p2.
=) though i still feel v sad abt the paper,
but she encouraged me a lot!
" Thanks Fei2 Fei2 !"

worst come to worst,
i will sign the NIE bond.

i have spent lots of time thinking.
and i found out one thing!

i cant choose to u-turn!
cz i have paid for the papers already!

i think i have to just dash across the finishing line and most importantly,
i have to brain-wash myself that good results do not belong to me,
if i achieve it, it's just my bonus.

i have been slacking like shit for the past few weeks.
including ytd.

i stayed up to watch Death Note again.
well, i think i m addicted to it once again.

and nothing much.
just hope my online stuffs quickly arrive!
cz when it arrive, alvl will finish SOOOONNNNN~

and lastly, do not spam my tagboard with anonymous or watever names.
if not, i am going to delete my whole tagboard away.

thanks v much for ur cooperation.
add oil add oil.


i m so pissed off with myself la!
i dunno why i just cant concentrate on my studies.
i am not joking.

i dun seem to be putting in all my effort in studying and days to ALVL is decreasing exponentially.

i dunno.
i seriously dun feel like going for ALVL.
cz i know for sure that i am not going to get the results i want!!!!!!
I want to get an A for phy!!! I want to see miracle happen!!
hmmm. it's such a slim probability.
but i have been working hard. how come i still do not see any improvement?!?!
the more i do practice papers, the more demoralized i am.
and GP too. why why why!?!?!

thus, i dun see any point for me take the exam?!?!

i have been asking myself:
' will i get straight As if i u-turn this yr?'

well, i think...high possibility.
it sounds like a tempting choice.

i know everyone is v stress over this period.
must not give up!!
( i think i m contradicting myself for saying that)

in conclusion,
i m just soooo damn screwed.
16days left. what miracle can i get?
i think it's more realistic to find a wall n just bang my head on it. =(


oh!! my bro fly to INDIA this morning!
how contradicting...should he be happy to travel or not?

my whole family wake up at 2.30am to send him off today!
yeah.including me!
i woke up at 3am. damn early right!!!

it's been yearSSS since i went to the airport.
haha. i only travelled to thailand once when i was 8yrs old.
haha.10years ago leh.
same for my bro.

so he's happy that he can travel again! but this time is for amry training...
which i think it makes the whole trip vvv sian.

haha. some of the pics took at T2.
and after sending my bro off,
my parents and i were so lame to take the sky train to T1 n T3 and walk around.
so lame la! HAHA.
but it was an unforgettable trip to see the sunrise at 6am plus!
and changi airport is soooo deserted in the midnight.
which makes the atmosphere v sad and lonely!

i wish my bro can come back from india ASAP, which is 3weeks later.
i wish time can fly and welcome him back again..
however, on the other hand, i wish the time can stop!
cz 3weeks later will be the start of A's.
and there is seriously not enough time for me to study finish! serious!!
ah..so how?!?!

and school has been vvv stressful nowadays.
we have ENDLESS work to do for MATHS CHEM PHY!
and there seems to be no time left for GEOG N GP which are equally VVVVVVV impt.
or i would say..MORE IMPT than the H2. cz my gp is VVVVVVV LOUSY.

haiyo! how how how!!

i must get back to study soon!
BUT. i am quite sick today.
so i think i shld take a rest first.
if not, i will sure collaspe in front of my study table.
=) cya.

Went NUS just now!
omg. i was lost in NUS!
=_= really stupid la..
haiyo. my bro gave me the wrong info from the net!!!

or it must the curse by a stupid person works.

only 5nyjcians were there.
and it was a wasted trip from me becz i was late!!!
den i listen 20mins and it ended.

well. then, QNA session.
i can only say that i am vvvvv lost now!
cz a lot of ppl already have some idea of wat course they wanna go...
and i m still sitting in front of the computer watching Taiwanese Drama.

i seriously nid to wake up man!

btw. the food there was NICE!
=) yummy.

i must WORK HARD!

ah. shit.
i am so damn unlucky ytd!

i ran and stepped into a hole while i was catching my bus.
full of cuts and injuries now.

it's really vvvv painful!
ah..my flesh came out!
just tooooooooooooooooo careless!
din expect to see a hole there!=_+
can only blame myself.

however the worst among all is...
i injured my left elbow.
and so..after putting on the medication,with a big plaster,
i CANNOT BEND MY LEFT HAND AT ALL.and it's too painful to bend.
it must be keep straight at all times.
i was doing my phy paper ( i think i m not going to pass it. i found damn lots of mistakes!),
i cant use ruler to draw lines! the graph.
wth~~ waste a lot of my time, shifting, drawing, erasing.
=____= damn shit.
cant rest my hand on the table and paper too.
so the paper will shift too when i write.

all the work was done with my right hand ONLY.
=(( ahhhh.

and i have to cripple around.
worst thing is!!! i was late for today's paper.cz the stupid bus was damn late!
and i left 5mins to 2pm, so i have to run with my injured leg.
wahhhhh. pain like shit.

every thing is just soooo stupid. (including the PHY PAPER! SOOO angry!)

i just hope my cuts and all the blue-black can recover by nx tue.
if not... suay suay maths paper ask me to plot graph? OMG. correlation and COMPLEX NUMBER-LOCUS!!! OMG! can ask teachers to help me draw?

pray pray.

and a short summary for my prelims.
i just screwed my geog DRQ. 14marks gone cz i din notice there is an insert!=_= ( alright, i admit it's my own stupidness.)
Chem- i made a number of mistakes! never think hard enough! so angry too. que abt hydrogen bonding. haix. nvm. 5marks. +_+
maths was tough as usual. and i misread smth too. which cause me another 4 marks?

i just dunno why i always made careless mistakes for every papers.
and the strange thing is...
i always found the mistake about 5mins before the paper end. and i totally do not have any time to change it.
it's so weird. when the paper is going to end, it just give me a "CLICK"...like 开窍!and suddenly know the answer! but i just dun have time to change it.

ah...i am just so weird.

and...2more weeks to end of prelims. sian.
today i m not studying. no mooooood.
hands legs back buttock all so painful.

all the best to me!
to make less careless mistakes in the other papers
as well as to be careful when WALKING.

who knows i may step onto a banana skin?

oh. great! my blog can finally post pictures!
haha. the icon is back!
alright. i noe i am lame. =X

i just dunno what am i doing for the past few days.
i keep on watching tv!!!
yes! i mean A LOT OF TV SHOWS.
damn slack la.
why why am i like this.
haix. peh yan ting- the loser.

alright. dun talk abt that.

yes. i went for my check up at TTSH.
i was v afraid at first.
i scare i got contracted with watever illnesses la.
haha. think too much!
and the doctor said " no nid to come back for check up. you are fine."
lame la. waste my time to go there and not studying at home.
and waste my consultation money!! so ex.

omg omg. i am so angry!!!
stupid leh..
now got new a new version of ipod nano with has in built FM radio!!
omg. i love to listen to FM...and i was so sad that my ipod does not have FM.
=(( and now....after i have bought mine, why must they keep inventing new and newer versions!
make me feel like my ipod is v lousy. not worth the money.
=_= eeeeeewww.

sian la.
soooo sian.
i promise after PRELIMS i will sure go out and shopppppppppp!
yesh! looking forward to that.

a very good luck for all JC frens!

finally changed my blogskin.
cz i found that my previous blogskin was so damn slow to load.
and i wonder why my blog is always like that.
so this time, i tried using a simpler and plain skin.
hope it helps!
give some comments abt the speed k. HAHA.

last week,
my mum and me went to NDP 09 preview.
wow. it was so nice!!!
i am impressed by our defence force.
so cool la. i dun wish to say more.
pictures paint a thousand words. SEE ABOVE.( but omg. why i cant upload the photos? so. just go to my facebook n see lah!)

and yes. tuesday CT period. a review of MYE results.
i was so damn shocked.omg. xia si ren seriously.
nv thought of getting into the honour roll with my results which i think it's still not v good yet.
yup. totally stunned.
but i was really happy abt it. esp the 20bucks voucher! =_=
i was hoping to buy a earphone! and yes. i can use the voucher! hehex.

BUT the sad thing is...
my parents are not happy abt it cz they dun understand what is honour roll.
haix. so i cant share my happiness with them. just kept it inside me. =(

my mum has been falling ill recently.
but luckily,she's feeling much better now.
hope she can recover soon!!

let me quote what my cute principal said,
"work hard for 96 days for your 82 years of happiness!"

haha. so cute la.
how did he think of it?

hey guys.

finally 2 free days!

damn mid year la.
i screwed up every paper!
except for geog i think...which is the only paper i managed to complete it.

no matter how much i complained, it seems that no1 is going to understand.
i dun wish to explain more too.

jc life is Tough.
fortunately it's ending soon.

given a chance, i will opt for poly!

nth much to update.
i'm still the same old me.

had photo taking on ytd.
our pose were so damn lame.
box peiqi.

on thurs,
me sharon serene peiqi jieying went out.
haha. it's lame too la.
travel here and there from lorong chuan to orchard!
from circle line to red line.
but it's fun with them.
talk crap!
HAHA. Paris and Milan 's conversation!
haha. lame shit.

after that went bugis with my mom.
went to the temple and got a XIA XIA QIAN, very bad lot.

wow. it's soooo accurate la.
my mid year... haha.

so long nv go out with mum,
she bought me a couple of clothes. yeah

then headed to sim lim square to take my ipod free gift.

watched finish Absolute Boyfriend.
i cried like shitttt!
more touching than boys over flower.

haha. the show make me wanna buy a robot boyfriend if there is!
=) i dun mind paying a 70 years instalment just because of him!
he's just too nice.

but the ending is so unexpected for me.
tat's why i cried so badly.
guys go watch go watch.
channel U.
( i watched from mysoju)

so if my mid year is just so damn lousy,
i think i am the only one to be blamed.
watched tooooo much TV.

yes. really a lot.

ok. i m off to do GP-terrorism essay !?!??!?!

no mood.

just a short summary here.
lots of things happened during this hols la.

first. i got my 1st MP3. MY OWN ONE FOR THE FIRST TIME.
i am sooo happy.
cz i simply love music. i cant survive without it la.
so now..with my ipod nano, i can store a lot of songs!
i bought it during the PC show.
it's so damn crowded.

very funny.
at first i wanted to buy creative. cz SO MUCH CHEAPER.
but screen not v clear.
so i decided not to buy le..but i see my mom n dad face,
if i dun buy anything back...which means that we have wasted the trip to suntec,
they are going to KILL ME.

so i just anyhow buy ipod lo.
lame right.
i just dun like ipod without FM.
ahhh...no choice lo.
my ipod is YELLOW in colour.
might sound ugly. but it's really nice.
looks like GOLD ipod.

and i also bought a new pair of shoe and shorts.
i think my shoe is damnnnn nice without my feet in it.
serious. it look damn nice.
but when i wear.....erm...not tat nice lo.
but i still love it.
pinky shoe!

ok. all the happy things over.

just wish that my dad can get well soon!
he has been in and out of hospital lately.

erm..just after the day i bought my ipod,
he is down with fever together with my mum.
both of them got high fever.
so they scare it's becz they go PC show, ppl spread virus.
thus they went to the hospital.
i accompany them too. at 1045pm?

yup. reached there.
and becz of the stupid H1N1 flu,
i cant go in!!!!!
i have to wear a mask and wait outside, at taxi stand there.
=_= for 2hrs plus la.

the doctor says they are alright.

my mum has recovered.
but not my dad.
i think he got bitten by dengue la.
just like my bro.
the symptoms all the same.

fever wun subside,
backache, restless...

i think must be dengue la.
cz my neighbourhood is blacklisted for rapid and increasing no of dengue cases.

my dad going to hospital tonight again.
to check his blood.

so poor thing la.
nid to have LOTS of injections..

and i m so touched la.
tat day, just before he went hospital,
he had fever , 39.4 c.
cz i still dunno he is sick, i ask him to buy papaya for me to eat.
so he still walked to the shop and buy.
when he reached home,
he still automatic cut the papaya for me?!?!

i feel so bad.
tat's the reason why i acc him to the hospital
to make up for the loss.

and yar.
so handsome too!

love it man.
guys...go n watch!

ok. i m running out of time.
going to pri sch outing!!!

this song is nice.
my fave song for the time being


为什麽明明想靠近 却还在迟疑

深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑



深刻的烙在心里 最温柔的酷刑


反正看或不看 我依然失魂落魄
你能给我 快乐还是寂寞



你能给我 能给我什麽

And yar!!
congrats to my sch VBALL TEAM!
omg. the GIRLS team is soooo damn cool la.
all of the players become my idol already.
the BOYS team too! wow. play until so fierce.
but COOL! haha.

catch them on action on the repeat telecast of THE SCHOOL NATIONALS.
Sunday. 1130am.
yup. i watched it today.
only get to see the boys team. chunwei being interviewed. =X quite funny.
i wanna watch the girls team! yeah.

And my class ppl are all so impressed by them.
esp Miss "ME".
HAHA. lame la.

please do not vent your anger on me when i m not the one who pissed u off!?!?!

it took me 1.5hours doing it.
my goodness.
my sleeping time.
haha.but it's worth it la.
for the sake for my fellow guitarists!

i wanna thanks my precious little juniors.
i appreciate their farewell party.
yup.good job man.

hope they miss the seniors.
so sad for them.no1 to entertain them anymore.

i seriously believe that they will bring guitar ensemble to the next high level.
i m looking forward to SIG day which they planned.
it's v interesting i think.

good job.
Yongli, Jialiang and the rest of the exco team must really work hand in hand!
and i believe they can la.
so glad for them.

the seniors too!
i will miss them!
they are soooo damn lame!
i will miss all of their lame jokes.
and JOVIN. my guitar partner.
ya. will miss her. cz she is always the one joking around with me.
i have enjoyed my 2years stay in guitar ensemble with everyone.
i m so glad that i have known them.
yup thank you guys!
all the best for A LVL.
must win wang da AAB! ahhahaa.
we will try our best.
thanks Jovin ShiJie HuiHui XueYing YeQi JiaWen WenGuang TeikSiang Jack!
thanks guitar ensemble. =DD