i am back!
haha. 3 hectic days.
it was my ah ma's Gong Teck for the past previous days..
HAHA. i think ppl sure wanna ask me wat's Gong Teck.
but seriously..i also not sure.
it's just some ritual things..
yupp..go and ask ur parents or grandparents for more details..
it's really damn tiring.
cz it really full day work.
i went to my ah ma hse at 7+ am, and i only get to go home at 2am.
5hrs slp only.
but i should not complain..
cz my bro will nag at me again.
as he says..he dun even get to SLEEP in army..he only get to REST.
=_= alright.
throughout the whole 3days right..
it's really v memorable.
and i have took a lot of pics on it.
erm..though it's not clear...but..NO CHOICE LA.
people keep moving and walking around,
what do u expect! hehex.
and ytd, we went to burn my ah gong ah ma tai gong tai ma hse.
erm..of cz..it's make of paper!!
but..it's really damn BIGGGGGGGGGGGG.
and it cost DAMN EXXXXXXXX.
almost 10thousands!!
can imagine.
u r buring 10thousand dollars.
when i knew that..i nearly faint.
and that made me wan to go work during this holidays.
HAHA. jk.
actually this kind of ceremony is good in the way that..
it really get all the family members to bond together.
it's kind of a bonding session.
especially when my ah ma pass away,
we did not get to meet up as often as before.
cz our family will go to my ah ma hse to visit her every week.
since she's already not there,
tat make us stop going there to meet up already.
tat's sad.
and i sincerely hope that our good relationship will not fade away.
yup. especially with my cousins,my uncles,my aunties..
so this ceremony brought everyone together again.
but the sad thing was..
everyone was so damn busy,
tat we could not find a time out to take our family photo.
and if my family really took it,
1 camera is never enough.
we got to take it for 4 times.
family too big.
so in conclusion,
it's a rare experience for me..
erm..or i should say...my one and only experience.
on the 7th.
went back to sch to take back results.
and stay back to discuss chalet and class tee things!
they make me look forward to it..
it seems that it's going to be fun!
and i wan to play ms lim's SINGAPORE version of Taboo.
quick quick.
i dun feel like going to sch anymore..
evenif i m there, my heart is not!
holidays! i m loooking forward to it.
and lastly.
A person seriously irritate and piss me off!