i just blogged my LTC until the 2nd day.
so now i am going to blog abt my 3rd n 4th day.
3th day!
wake up early in the morning and got myself prepared for KAYAKING!
i was damn worried initially la.
so i heard from jovin tat we are going to kayak in mangrove swamp.
it's damn dirty la.
HAHA..den got seaweeds floating around..which u might feel that it's JELLYFISH!
so i was quite worried la.
but nevertheless..Ms Peh still tried out for the event.
but everything was still ok la.
not as dirty as i imagine. i just cant stand the seaweeds and the plastic bags floating around me. i kept thinking that is was jellyfish! haha..v scare.
oh ya. tonks got separated.
so my grp consisited of ME QIAO LING ZHI YUAN N CHARLENE.
i must really thank the 4 of them la.
we were like really take care of each other and encouraging each other.
cz u really nid a lot of encouragement from ur frens out in the sea la.
it's really damn diff to pedal in the big blue sea.
and it's v tiring.
if i was to be there without my team mates, i could not survive through the whole camp la.
ya. wat i love abt the kayaking was the CAPSIZED DRILL.
it's v exciting la. i love it. still must tap the kayak for 3 three times b4 coming out of the water.
and my first try was gd. got praise by my instructor.
and i like my instructor too! he's damn lame. but vvv fierce when he is serious.
and he kept spreading my scandals?
what's funny is..he came out of the scandals??
omg. so paiseh can.
must apologise to the guy..which..i dunno him also!
but i dun mind la..since this makes everyone in my team laugh and be happy!
the sad thing is..it rained halfway! alamak. kayaking got to stop after lunch.
After the rain stopped, we carried on with our kayaking.
but the sea then was v Choppy. ( i dunno if it's spelled like tat..)
the waves were damn strong. and it's high tide. no more shore/beach.
the first seen of the sea was vv scary la.
i was afraid i will be drown. haha.
it's really cooperation and team works that made us brave and went ahead.
and i must confidently say tat my grp all did it la.
we capsized in the middle of the sea. and came back safetly!
tat's the name my instructor gave us.
"my young little palawans!"
tat's abt it for kayaking.
den at night. it's YULE BALL.
my nightmare.
but actually yule ball = campfire.
it's v fun.
and i enjoyed the whole performance..be it by hufflepuff or other teams.
they really did a great job.
the emcees too. very lame. very funny.
yar. i enjoyed it.
after tat was 2 videos.
one by photo club while the other one by CNNY.
both were v nice.
and ya.
me and tw pic was shown. omg. quite ma lu.
(eh..i guess there's nth to hide already la.
cz the pic is spreading like nobody's business.haha)
i wasnt feeling anything at first.
cz i seriously din noe the girl is me..!
haha. KUKU LA ME!
i nv see myself in short hair b4..( i mean in photo)
tat's why i hesistated a moment..why everyone was looking at me and cheering?
luckily the pic was captured v nice la.
if not i will go kill the photographer! hahax. from 0817 one..
but the whole incident is v funny la.
and ya. after the vids,
it was the dance.
eeww..my zhi ming shang.
BUT..i got dance with guys ok..
haha.i cheated a lot la.
the dance was damn lame.
cz everyone dunno how to dance, den just keep turning in a circle.
just like tat.hahax.
ya.den reflection with prefects.
chatted vv long. side tracks some stuffs too.
and i rmb clearly tat night..chunwei was DRUNK or smth?!?!
he's simply talking
rubbish. all no link stuffs?
ppl say A he ans B. HAHA.
vvv funny la..jacques(JUG) and me was laughing non stop.
and tat night.
i opened up my sleeping bag.and 54321, i fell asleep.
damn fast k. cz v tired. hahax.
4th day!
was very worried la.
scare fail..cz my instructor though v lame but he's v strict.
ya..we showed him all the pedaling strokes..the J draw. Classic draw..etc.
we were wondering why he nv test us on capsize drill. my fave.
den he said..he already tested us ytd..without us knowing.
yeah! so cool right.
den we spend the rest of the time playing in the sea!
it's really v fun.
when can u all really have the chance to play in the sea right.
but yup. i got the opportunity! yeah. envy me right.
and when we r in the middle of the sea, we stood up on the kayak.
wah..the instructor was damn jian.
he ask the guy to change place..to sit beside me..
so tat when we stood up..we can hold hands tgt.. =_=
and i was v innocently being named Mrs Wong?
(hey guys..it's all jokes ok. it does not mean anything!
i am still single and available! JKJKJK)
and after tat..we work tgt to CAPSIZE our instructor. but he kayak damn fast lo..
i ran out of energy v fast.hahax.
den we joined in forces with other team..and we pedal in diff directions..
in the end..we surround my instructor and he was capsized! yeah.
haha.ok.i update the last part some other day!
going to do GP. =_=
btw. i m pleased with my results. HOHO!
my hardwork was paid off. =)