W H O. W A S. Y O U R. L A S T.
1. Person(s) you hung out with?
eh.it's been weeks tat i went out with my friend.so cant rmb.2. Person you rode in a car with?
pamela!3. Person you went to the movies with?
erm.kaung yuean theresa pohyih n my "childhood" fren?tat penguin show..i cant really rmb.
4. Person you went to the mall with?
theresa.we went to hougang mall5. Last person that made you laugh?
no16. Person you cried about?
dun tell u =X7. Person you texted?
not sure8. Commented?
not sure9. Hugged?
no1A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you like anyone?
tell me who did not like another person b4..2. Sun or moon?
Sun3. Winter or Fall?
Winter4. left or right?
Right~5. 10 acquaintances or two bestfriends?
2bestfrens!6. Sunny or rainy?
Rainy. a nice weather to slp.Zzz7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate icecream?
vanilla!A B O U T . Y O U.
1. What time is it?
6.43pm2. What is your first name?
YANTING!3. Where do you wanna live?
Singapore my homeland =X4. How many kids do you want?
2 / Twins5. What will you name them?
da bao and er bao! kidding!6. When do you want to get married?
25+ 7. Have you ever eaten spam?
wat's that?8. Favorite ice cream?
STRAWBERRY ice-cream!9. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?
no cereal~10. Do you cook?
of cz!11. Current mood?
Stressed.haven finish compre!IN . THE. LAST. 48 HOURS. HAVE. YOU.
1. Kissed someone?
NO OF CZ~2. Prayed?
nah3. Been hugged?
NIL. i m not as xing fu as YULING and XD!hahax.4. Felt stupid?
YESHHHH!5. missed someone?
of cz?6. Danced Crazy?
of cz NOT?7. Cried?
yeah.i yawned.10. Lied?
nonononoR A N D O M. Q U E S T I O N S.
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Never in my life2. Have A Dog?
nah.i have asthma,no animals for me.. =(3 When was the last time you wentsleding?
dunno wat's tat..4. Would you rather sleep with someoneelse, or alone?
wahseh.wat a gd que.i m not going to ans!5. Do you believe in ghosts?
A BIT! esp after my visit to 4th floor toilet.. =S