really really really disappointed in myself.
i had not done well for any subjects.
from eng to maths now
i feel tat i dint put in my 100% concentration.
even chinese,my best sub,i oso din read the que properly.
i was at the class sitting for paper,
but my mind was somewhere else.
this is the most badly common test i had taken.
i cannot blame the teachers,
i onli can blame it on myself.
also,my sci n maths were the most disappointing ones.
i was too nervous taking the sci test as i saw the que tat Tien din teach us b4,
thus i cant concentrate on the paper.
as for maths,i think i flunk it.
3 graph que din do.
1 is 8marks.
3 is 24 marks.
how to pass?
also i got 1 four marks que dunno how to do oso.
total loss of 28 marks.
i tink is all my fault.
i din notice tat the teacher changed the WHOLE que.
and she onli told us when the test is abt to end.
how does she expect us to change?
if we redo,sure not enough time.
if we don redo,our ans all wrong!
for tat que,i give up on the other graph que.
so how?
i dunno lar...
let me fail all tests.
i wun study for tml history or home econ anymore.
i had study so hard for maths sci geog eng chinese,
but wat i get in the end?
so wat;s the point of studying n memorising?
it is onli a waste of my time.
i rather spend all this time sleeping.
i m really really really really disappointed in myself...
this isnt the real me..